Sunday 9:40, 10:45 & 6:00 | Wednesday 6:30
4709 North Main Street, Liberty, TX
All men are welcome. Each Tuesday night @ 6:30
Revelation-Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom
Beginning in September. Please call the office for more details.
Pre-K - Kinder
Meet in the Nursery @ 9:30 am
Meet in the Gym @ 9:30 am
Meet in the Youth Building (3rd Building) @ 9:30 am
Meet in the Main Building @ 9:30 am
Meet in the Main Building @ 9:30 am
John 4:1-30
Session 4: Intersections
Big Idea
Jesus met people at the intersection of their life’s moments, forever changing the direction of their lives.
An intersection is a place where two or more roads come together. There are certain intersections in life that we recognize as significant, like graduation, getting married, or the unexpected loss of jobs or relationships. Have each person in the group make a list of three to five important life intersections they have experienced. Instead of numbering them, start each one with an X.
As a group, go around and share some of the intersections from the lists. How have they determined the direction of your life from that moment on?
Jesus had a way of meeting people at the intersections of life, and one at a. time, their life direction would forever change.
Open up John 4:1-30 together.
Discuss the following questions with your group as you read through the text. If your group is larger, consider breaking into smaller groups.
It says in verse 4 that Jesus had to go through Samaria, which Jews usually avoided. What are some versions of this in our everyday lives?
Based on the conversation from the woman and Jesus, how would you describe Jew/Samaritan relations at the time? Zooming into your local area, what groups have such strong tension that they even avoid each other?
The woman’s reaction in verse 29 gives us a glimpse into her transformation. Why is it significant for that to be her first public comments about Jesus?
Have you seen Jesus meet you or someone you know in their life’s intersection moment? Draw an X (a shorthand symbol for intersection) on the top of your hand as a reminder of God’s presence in the intersections this week.
The hope and healing stories of Jesus often happen when Jesus is introduced to people at the right time and the right place. We need to look around and have our eyes open to the opportunities. This is our prayer this week:
Jesus, give me Your eyes to see the intersections where I can introduce Your hope and healing at just the
right time. Give me Your Spirit of courage and not fear when those moments come. Amen.
Ask group members to share in the group text any experiences they have with the work God does in their lives through these prayers.
PO Drawer 10290
4709 North Main Street
Liberty, TX 77575