
Sunday 9:40, 10:45 & 6:00 | Wednesday 6:30

4709 North Main Street, Liberty, TX

Bible Study

Men's Bible Study

All men are welcome. Each Tuesday night @ 6:30

Women's Bible Study

Revelation-Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom

Beginning in September. Please call the office for more details.

Sunday School Classes

0-3 years old - Nursery

Pre-K - Kinder

Meet in the Nursery @ 9:30 am

1st-6th Grade

Meet in the Gym @ 9:30 am


Meet in the Youth Building (3rd Building) @ 9:30 am

Joshua Men

Meet in the Main Building @ 9:30 am

Women of the Word

Meet in the Main Building @ 9:30 am

The Breakfast Club

Meet @ 9:30 in the Second Building @ 9:30 am. We are a group of young adults growing in God's Word.

Whosoever Sunday School

Please join us each Sunday @ 9:40 in the Second Building - and bring a friend! Our class includes singles and couples. Come grow with us!

One At A Time

One At A Time - Session 2 11/3

October 31, 20242 min read

Mark 1

Session 2: In Then Through

Big Idea

Jesus knew the value of God’s work in Him before the work could happen through Him.


  • A life hack is a shortcut to get something done quickly and efficiently. Check out this amazing list as a group: mentalfloss.com/article/531059/brilliant-life-hacks-you-need-try. What are some of your favorite lifehacks

  • Jesus knew the value of God’s work in Him before the work could happen through Him. Open up Mark 1:33-35 together. Discuss the following questions with your group as you read through the text. If your group is larger, consider breaking into smaller groups.

  1. Verse 33 says the whole town gathered at the door to see the impact of Jesus’ work. Can you imagine the needs and demands that came with those people? Have you ever had days when it felt like the whole world was at your door needing something from you?

  2. The day after, Jesus responded not by sleeping in but by getting up early to spend time alone with His Father in prayer. There are several things Jesus modeled for us in that moment. Which one hits you the hardest, and which one do you believe your life needs the most right now?

  3. When you read in Scripture about the things Jesus did, do you feel like they are great methods for Him but not very applicable to you, or are they something you should apply to your life?

  • Do you start your day in prayer, asking the Spirit to work in you so that He might impact the world through you? What are some reasons why that is often a struggle?

  • How does switching the prayer from “God, what do You want to do through me?” to “God, what do You want to do in me?” change your daily approach to impacting others?

End the group by having everyone set a new alarm on their phone called the In and Through alarm. Set the new alarm 15 minutes before the normal start time for the day, and commit to spending that time asking God to work in you as you seek to know and obey Him each day. Invite group members to share in the group text any experiences they have with the work God does in their lives through these prayers.

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4709 North Main Street

Liberty, TX 77575
